Why do we have long names in Spanish?

Why do we have long names in Spanish?: [English version below] Soy Romina Romaniello, 🙂 tu profesora de español de Hola Spanish. Bienvenidos a una nueva edición de Hola Tuesday, tu clase de español semanal y gratuita 🙂Romina here, your Hola Spanish teacher. Welcome to a new edition of Hola Tuesday, your weekly free Spanish lesson.Hoy me siento particularmente Read more about Why do we have long names in Spanish?[…]


Gooooooool!!!!!: ¡Hola a todos! Soy Romina Romaniello, tu profesora de español de Hola Spanish. If you’re curious about the title of this post: “Gooooool!” that’s what fanatics shout out to celebrate goals in a soccer game in Spanish.Fútbol, futebol or futbol, it doesn’t matter how we call it, the passion it provokes is the same. Read more about Goooooooool!!!!![…]